Writing & editing

My clients are as varied as the country we're lucky enough to live in. 

I have written discussion papers for government, edited careers guides for tourism and hospitality, written about drug innovation and development for pharmaceutical companies, and interviewed hundreds of people for books, magazines and websites.

I regularly write and edit content for Buy West Eat Best, which supports Western Australia's brilliant food and drink sector; and help Handle My Complaint advocate for consumers, writing and editing for the website, as well as submissions to government and agencies. 

I have written a book celebrating 30 years of ASeTTS, a remarkable Western Australian organisation; helped plan and edit content for international charity, the Dr Rose McGready Foundation; and edited two delicious cookbooks, Eat like a Viet and Sri Lanka Food.

I also regularly write for Tourism Western Australia (oh, the places you could go!) and RAC magazine Horizons, and a whole host of other organisations and outlets.

There are so many ways I can help you. Talk to me.

You can make anything with writing.

C. S. Lewis